Saturday, August 16, 2008


Great job to the 25 plus who showed up Friday night to start the process of sealing the roof at church – all 103,000 sq feet of it…

Jon (my son) asked me – “Why start a blog to just preach?” – referencing my first few posts… I told him to shut up. LOL

Michael Phelps – wins number 7 – great interview with Bob Costas, Mark Spitz and Phelps – incredible accomplishment.

US men’s basketball killing people – who knew? Is it a sin to root for a team coached by Mike Krzyzewski?

How ‘bout the Swedish wrestler who was DQ’s for dropping his bronze medal in disgust and walking off the podium – poor baby – Get over it – you’re in the Olympics!

It’s Saturday morning and I am jazzed about the weekend – I get to share God’s word with the greatest bunch of folks in the world.

In two days I will celebrate the 29th anniversary of the day I married the most wonderful woman in the world. And baby - you're still smokin'!!!!!

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