OK - Brett - this is for you! (And for others I hope)...
For some time Brett, my friend, elder, and healer has encouraged me to blog... I've read a bunch of others, partly to be inspired and as of late to not look like a complete moron as a blogger...
So I guess I need to lay out some ground rules....
I called this deanosjourney because it will be about my journey - my journey as a man, as a pastor, as a dad, as a husband, as an outdoors man, as a _____________ (fill in the blank).
If you expect each entry to be about deep exposition you will be disappointed - not that I won't share from the spiritual aspects of the journey. But it will not all be that...
It might be something about my wonderful family and extended spiritual family. It might be about my "hole in one" if that ever happens. It might be about the trophy buck I saw while hunting or my prayer life kicking into high gear while there is a huge fish on the end of my line.
In short it will be about my journey and hopefully it will let folks know a little bit more about me and in the process maybe I'll learn a little bit more about you.
I do ask that you be patient with me - This is new territory - don't flame me the first couple of posts.... LOL
welcome to the blogdom, dean.
Welcome to the Blogosphere!
I know you're a blogging newbie, so I don't want to alarm you, but I think somebody has hacked your blog and replaced your profile pic with a photo of some old dude.
it's a scary thing, getting into the mind of Dean. But I'm looking forward to it.
Soren - there's a reason we refer to some folks as friends from our past... and sometimes that's where they need to stay.... LOL
BTW - I checked out your blog - nice stuff even slipped over into "stuffchristianslike" - funny stuff!
Nice hearing from you as always...
I'm glad to see you on here! This makes it much easier to steal-- I mean "borrow"-- ideas from you without actually having to attend your church :) lol.
Don't know if you saw this yet or not, but I've already "borrowed" from you once... does part of this post sound familiar? http://grabacorner.blogspot.com/2008/04/bob-perry.html. (In only one visit to Harmony, and I'm already using your illustrations.)
Keep up the great blogging!
Tim - Someone much wiser than us said, "There's nothing new under the sun". More than likely anything you borrow from me - is something I borrowed from someone else.... :)
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