Monday, April 20, 2009

I cried....

239.4 / -.4 / 25.6

Sunday night I came home, sat in my chair and cried (OK - maybe just a little teary).

It started Sunday morning - last service for Nell Anne, very nice recognition after church, lots of hugs, tears, and "good lucks". Also some friends from 100 years ago (my own youth group days) were in for the afternoon. Then I get the text message. Dan (our Exec Pastor) writes - "we need to get together for a very important meeting - 5:30?" Oh, great! What could be going on that requires an emergency meeting on Sunday afternoon? Who's had an affair? Who is resigning? Who is in crisis? UGGGGHHHHH!

Then I get to the restaurant where we are to meet... and I see them - a bunch of people that have one singular connection - me. There are folks from the staff, all my family, including my brother Joe, and my friends from the past (with some extras now). My wife had pulled it off! She surprised me with a 50th B-day party. She had to wait till 2 weeks after the fact to do it.

There was cake (I had only a bite - not very carb friendly), I got lots of hugs, some gag gifts and some really nice ones too. People said some nice things about me. And then it was over. I went home, watched a little TV and then it happened - I started to cry. It was just Melody and me and I told her - "nobody should be blessed this much".

As I looked back over the last 50 years, mostly the last 35 I realized how God had brought so many people into my life. Melba (Wilson) Mastin was there - she and her late husband were youth sponsors. Tom and Jimmy were there - my two closest friends from the past who have been there ever since. My brother. My wife, children, grandchildren and son-in-law. All who make my life rich. My life team - guys you just don't know what you mean to me! My staff and an Elder. My golf buddies, the list just goes on.

And so I just sat there and wiped away the tears. And it dawned on my. I'm not just in tears because I'm blessed. I'm in tears becasue I KNOW I'm blessed. And that is perhaps the biggest blessing of all.

OK - where's the kleenex? I need them again! And it's a good thing. No it's a great thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Dean. You have given me new hope and a new start on life opening my eyes to the Lord like noone else has. God Bless You!