Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thanks Melba (and Paul)

It's that time again. It's the time of year wheen my mailbox is stuffed with graduation announcements and party invitations. And while my schedule doesn't allow me to attend very many, it does remind me of my own graduation. It was May 28, 1977.

But more than the date, I'm reminded of who was there with me. Melba (Wilson) Mastin and her late husband, Paul Wilson. They were there instead of my parents. My dad was undergoing open heart surgery in Houston TX the very same day so my parents couldn't be there.

But that wasn't the only day "they were there". My mom and dad were pretty "wishy-washy" in their faith back then. But I was very active in the church youth group, and was planning on attending Bible college. Paul and Melba were youth sponsors. But they were also in many ways surrogate parents for me.

I probably spent more nights in their home my senior year than I did my own. It was at their home I met some guys from Moody Bible Institute. And that wound up being a big part of the reason I attended MBI. Two years later they drove the 400 miles to Freeport, IL to attend my wedding. I could go on for days talking about the impact this couple had on my life.

Twenty years ago Paul went home to be with the Lord. I remember my friend Tom (his son-in-law) calling me and saying, "Paul went home today". I remember at his funeral the passage used by Pastor Faulkner - it was a passage about Barnabas and he attributed it to Paul Wilson - He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord. (Acts 11:24 NIV)

Few people have affected me as much as these two did back then and even now. I am forever grateful.

So the question I have for you is this. In 33 years who will be remembering what you did for them today? Who will be reminiscing about the impact you made on their lives.

Thank you Melba and Paul for being Jesus to me and so many others!


Unknown said...

beautiful story. I've known dear saints like these people who at various times in our lives have taken Kim and I in. God is so good to us -

Not Alone said...
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