Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What can we learn about power outages?

So you know the drill. A storm is raging and all of a sudden the lights go out. Sometimes for a moment, sometimes for hours. When it's back on you have to do some things. You have to go back to work on the computer (hopefully you had saved what you were working on). You have to reset the clock on the stove and microwave and maybe another clock or two. You have to do something with the VCR (or just live with the blinking like I do).

But sometimes the power outages have nothing to do with a lightning strike, sometimes it's some unfortunate driver hitting a pole, or some equipment failure... but the results at your house are the same. You have to reset a bunch of stuff.

But what about the spiritual power outages in your life? What about the times when God doesn't seem very near. Or you realize you have drifted away from Him? What causes this?

Sometimes it's just apathy - you lose that first love, your relationship with Jesus has been on autopilot for some time and then bang - you realize the power is out.

Sometimes it's sin - you have let some unchecked transgression get a hold on your life. And now you realize you are "on your own".

For whatever reason you find yourself far away from God in this relationship - so what do you do?

Well - just like resetting the clocks in your house you need to do some similar things.

1 - You need to know what time it really is. Spend time in the Word, and prayer - get in touch with God again.

2 - Reset your life's "clock" - Begin again living according to God's time line, His direction, His Lordship.

3 - In some cases damage has been done - I had to replace a whole lot of stuff in my house once because we took a direct hit. Maybe there are some things in your life that just have to go. And be replaced with other things. Maybe there are some relationships that need to be mended.

"For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." (Mat 24:27 NIV)

Remember Jesus is coming again (and maybe soon) - don't let him come and find your "clock" blinking!