Monday, October 3, 2011

A well deserved face plant!

OK -I'm not necessarily a Bears fan or a fan of Marion Barber - but this is just nuts. After a TD Barber attempts a grandstanding back flip and winds up doing a spectacular face plant! Maybe it's just me, but I'm not a fan of the showboating that goes on in sports. Whether it's the TD dances or the "in your face" antics when a QB is sacked. I say just make the play, get back to the huddle and do it again.

But then I wonder how much of this creeps into the church? I'm not thinking of anything particular at HCC, but how many times does God do something spectacular and we take the credit? I see people get mad because they were not applauded for serving - and have to wonder who are they really serving? As a church tries to follow God's clear vision and folks leave because they are not being "fed". Go to any large preacher function and you will see the "pecking order" established by how many come to the church or how big the buildings are. To me it seems like the post TD antics are not limited to the NFL.

Don't get me wrong - I think cow bells and air horns at a baptism are AWESOME!!! We need more cowbell! But when our calling and service becomes a reason for showmanship - we have missed the mark! It concerns me when people will applaud a funny joke in a sermon - but not sing during the the song service?

Maybe the spirit of Andy Rooney has fallen on me (I'm feeling a little crotchety today) or maybe I should just not blog on a Monday... but I think Barber got what he deserved! And I know that any time I am tempted to take the credit from God - I get what I deserve - a big fat face plant!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Coming Up Short

I like Monday Night Football - OK I like football period. And while watching MNF last night I was reminded of something I've been thinking about a lot lately.

In the game, the St Louis Rams were playing the NY Giants. Now I'm not particularly a fan of either team. NY has Eli Manning at the helm - certainly a star in his own right while the Rams are led by a young Turk named Sam Bradford.

What was interesting about the game was how the Rams dominated on offense yet still lost. On paper they should have won. What was the deciding factor? Turn overs, and an inability to score from "red zone" (that's area from the 20 yard line to your end zone).

That is why it made me think. How often in the church do we dominate on offense and yet fail to score? What I've been chewing on lately is this. I think we are just too busy. We have too much going on. And sadly a lot of activity does not equal spiritual growth. Along with the staff and Elders, we have been reading a book titled, "Simple Church". The premise is that we need a clear process where we lead people along a structured path. A path that goes from someone not knowing God to connecting with Him and His people. Then moving them onto discipleship and service.

What I'm realizing, along with others is that a lot of activity is just that, a lot of activity. So some changes are coming. You'll have to wait to see what that means, but it is coming.

While losing a game on Monday Night is bad for the Rams. Losing the battle for souls is unimaginably worse. Let's all make sure we are not dominating on offense and yet failing to win!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

When a toothache is a good thing...

It could be because I never went to a dentist until I was an adult. It could be because we did not have dental insurance for years. It could be because I don't floss. It could be I just have bad teeth. But whatever the cause I wound up with a throbbing tooth ache over the weekend.

Some left over Percocet (thanks to Melody's kidney stone) got me through till Monday morning. Finally I got into the chair. You KNOW the chair. In my case, it was a chair in Larry's "Little shop of Horrors". OK so he's not really that bad, but I was not there for a hair cut. I had an abscess in a tooth that had been previously filled. I was hearing those wonderful words - "We're going to have to do a root canal". Been there, done that - no fun!

Now, I like my dentist. I miss Ershal - but Larry's a pretty good egg. Larry is also Jewish. Over the last few weeks we have actually talked a bit about our faith. Today, on my second of at least three visits we talked a little more in depth. Now, I'm not saying I had the chance to share the gospel with him. But I'm hoping some day I will.

So why did I have a toothache? Was it bad dental hygiene - maybe? But maybe it was a divine appointment. Maybe it was to sow a seed. Maybe it was God using me to reach out to one of his "chosen people".

We all come in contact every day with "chosen people"... not just the Jewish variety either. Are we taking the opportunity to share Jesus? Or are we just there to take care of the issue at hand? As disciples the issue at hand is ALWAYS about being Jesus to those who don't know him.

Thanks Lord for the toothache.... Now you and me have a dental bill we need to discuss.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Picture is worth a 1,000 words

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. And this picture says way more than that.

At first glace it is three of our youth praying over some backpacks. Three of 364 that are being handed out to homeless men and women in Nashville today. This was a cooperative effort from HCC and several other churches to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

But there is so much more for me than just this (not that this is not simply AMAZING!). During the time of worship I was sitting next to Beth, my 29 year old daughter. And we were both in tears. And I was reflecting. I was remembering how 13 years earlier our family had moved from Louisville to Georgetown. I was remembering how difficult it was for Beth, who was just turning 16. How she had gone from being a big fish in a little pond (small Christian school), to being the "New Kid" a Scott County High School. I was remembering how she hated it, maybe hated us, and possibly God for the upheaval in her world.

As I was holding her hand I whispered... "Do you realize there are more Jr an Sr High kids here right now than there were total people at HCC back then?" I was overwhelmed by God's grace to me, my family, our church, and my daughter. She looked at me and said, "I would do it all again"....

John said it best in 3 John 3:4 - "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth".

I'm so proud of you baby! It is an unbelievable blessing to share this ministry with our family! It is awesome that I get to share it with you! Now where did I put those tissues?